However things were looking up for Sega when they announced Sonic Generations. This new concept only made fans more cynical, as it made Sega unpredictable and incapable of gaining trust. With many people praising it for its day stages it definitely had potential, but it was over saturated by ‘Werehog’ stages which had a lackluster hack and slash combat system and repetitive puzzle gameplay. However a miracle was needed to show people Sonic had not fallen from its tower, and Sonic Unleashed just wasn’t it. This game had a mixed reception, had it not been for the previous game it most likely would have been viewed more highly. The pinnacle of mediocrityĪfter Sonic 06 came Sonic Unleashed. Sonic 06 has always had a close place in my heart, just for the sheer fact it was the first 360 game I ever played, but even I can’t deny that it’s no doubt an abomination and a stain on the games industry. Some would argue that Sonic Adventure was the downfall of The Sonic franchise, but that’s another topic for another day.

The sheer glitch fest alone made critics recoil into their seats, as this was supposed to be a leap forward for console gaming and the blue blur himself. Not only was it devoid of what people wanted and expected from the new generation of console, it was also devoid of what made Sonic, well Sonic. Let’s start with everyone’s favorite Sonic game: Sonic 06. This little gem was an insult to both fans and the masses alike. With Sonics situation as a dying franchise as of late, is Mania enough for fans to forgive past trauma? Let's Talk About Some Of Mans Finest Atrocities Sonic Mania is a homage to the original three Sonic games, it boasts stages that feel classic to the franchise and is a far cry from any of the recent Sonic abominations that have been delivered to us. But is it too late for Sega to please fans after recent installments of the sonic franchise?

Sonic Mania has been announced with the coming of Sonic the Hedgehogs 25 th anniversary.

1.5) In Conclusion So, Sonic Mania Has Been Announced, What Now?