It's eventually revealed that he misremembered the event: he's actually afraid of lollipops, as the one the doctor gave him for getting a shot was the real cause of the incident. However, Robot hates shots due to an incident as a child when he went to the doctor. In one episode of Robot and Monster, Robot is bitten by Marf and gets "Robies", and he needs to get a shot before he turns into a mime.He does get them in the end, but Abyo is told that he needs his shots too, so he runs away while his friends give chase. In the Pucca episode "Cat Scratch Fever", Garu's cat Mio needs to get his shots, but he's afraid of the vet and runs off, so Garu and Abyo have to catch him.His fear of needles unfortunately was not cured after the episode. One Scream Discretion Shot later though, Skipper states that it was excruciating but laments that taking the needle was for the greater good. Skipper finds out that getting two shots in one day might make Private very sick or possibly kill him, so he toughens up and gets the shot. The other penguins chase after him to force him to get his shot, and Private eventually decides to trick the vet into thinking that he is Skipper and get the shot for him so that he will stop running away. The Penguins of Madagascar: In "Needle Point", the penguins need to get a routine checkup with the zoo's vet, but Skipper becomes afraid and runs away when he finds out they have to get shots.Naturally, everyone runs away, except Adam (who is a human), to avoid getting their shots, but the plot is kicked off when Adam gets the booster meant for Jake and starts acting like a monkey. In the first episode of My Gym Partner's a Monkey titled " Inoculation Day", the students of Charles Darwin Middle School are getting their vaccinations, which are given through blowdarts.She runs away to avoid getting it, but she gets stuck in a sink as the doctor sticks the syringe in her rump. The Mighty B!: In the second half of "Bee Patients", Bessie gets her check-up at the doctor and it's revealed that she needs a booster shot.

Unfortunately, while she succeeds, this causes everyone to go down with the measles, and as a result, the entire town is put under quarantine.

Unfortunately, Lucky ends up immediately getting the disease that the shot was meant to keep him from getting. He spends the whole episode trying to hide, and in the end succeeds, as the vet leaves without giving Lucky his shot. 101 Dalmatians: The Series: The episode "Spots And Shots" has Lucky being afraid of getting a shot when a veterinarian comes to the farm to give them all vaccinations.